Friday 29 January 2010

This morning I woke up feeling shitty cause I think I got some kind of mini-cold from the plane. The air on those things is well dry, plus my immune system was probably slightly compromised because of all the anti-anxiety meds I was driving into my belly just to remain unterrified for 25 hours. Actually the flight was pretty good, there was very little in the way of turbulence.

Doha is beautiful from the sky at night - cities that aren't based on a grid system look like impossibly intricate jewelry made for some high king and laid out on a black velvet display cloth when viewed from in the sky.

First thing I did today after brekkie (which was Rice Krispies derivative, I was expecting the Full English) was take a wander round the centre of town - the object being to purchase a hat. The mission was sucessful and I now have a rad hat - there is no photographing equipment in Australia so you will have to wait until I come back or draw a picture of it on Photoshop or something - for now you will have to take my word for it that it is an awesome hat (P.S. you are not ready for the awesome hat)

The first street I turned on after leaving the hostel was called William Street and the first store I noticed was called "Quest on William" - this is an adequate explanation of the blog name and I will not expand on it at this stage.

Right, I'm going to annoy you by having lunch at McDonalds


  1. Sounds alright. Just need to confirm that the hat is "rad" and not "red". Could we get some confirmation on this?

    Seen any air or land stingers yet?

  2. Get your Colaster butt unto the nearest thrift store or whatever they are called out there and purchase some kind of greasy short sleeved shirt and a pair of bogus shorts. Do not button the shirt. Upon completion of this task rotate your ragedy arse to the nearest beach and chill the fuck out.
